About us.
About us.
Stochrone is the partner of Small and Medium sized Enterprises in business development. Our goal is to improve the efficiency of the SME sector. With our business consulting services, we support clients in achieving their business goals, actively cooperating with them. In accordance with our business policy, we are dedicated to providing high-quality, yet affordable services, thereby providing accessible opportunities for all businesses.
Today's working enviroment set businesses serveral challanges. To remain strong you have to make the right decisions at the right times.
Our goals.
Our success is your success!
Our goal is to actively support the development and expansion of small and medium-sized enterprises. With our services, we provide reliable and effective solutions to our clients' business problems in many areas of their operation.
We are committed to providing high-quality professional services available to all companies.
2021 nyarán bízott meg minket élelmiszergyártás iparágba tartozó ügyfelünk a vállalkozása 100%-os üzletrészének eladásával. A lehetséges vevők közül több stratégiai befektető is érdeklődött. A megteremtett versenyhelyzetben a nyertes ajánlatot tevő befektető számára első ajánlatához képest 40%-kal magasabb áron értékesítettük a vállalkozást.
Projekt #1
Startup informatikai vállalat bízott meg bennünket egyik fejlesztésük szabadalmi jogának, valamint a teljes vállalatuk értékelésével tervezett tőkebevonás előtt.
Projekt #2
Építőiparba tartozó ügyfelünk bízott meg minket a vállalkozásának értékelésével, egy jogvitában való felhasználás céljából. Az értékelésünk mentén a felperes által követelt összeget mérsékelni tudtuk.
Startup befektetési társaság bízott meg minket a portoliójukba tartozó 5 vállalkozás stratégiaiájának fejlesztésével. A projekt keretében stratégia elemzési workshopokat, stratégiai átvilágítást, üzleti tervezést végeztünk. Rávilágítottunk a stratégiai hibákra, felfedeztük a lehetőségeket és megalkottuk a helyes stratégiát. A portfoliócégek így letisztult képet kaptak a vállalkozásaik fejlesztésének megfelelő irányáról.
Our values.
In today's rapidly changing business environment, what worked yesterday may not work today. We want to support our customers not only during the duration of our engagement, but we also intend to build long-term business relationships. Stochrone is a partner in business development. We are available to our former and future clients whenever they encounter any business problem.
We are dedicated to providing outstanding quality services. We carry out our work meeting high professional expectations.
We offer flexible services, so we are able to adapt to individual customer needs during all of our engagements. This way it can be ensured that our clients' needs are fully satisfied.
As a result of well-functioning teamwork we can create better solutions by strengthening each other. During our engagements we strive to overcome obstacles by working closely to our clients.
Our values.
In today's rapidly changing business environment, what worked yesterday may not work today. We want to support our customers not only during the duration of our engagement, but we also intend to build long-term business relationships. Stochrone is a partner in business development. We are available to our former and future clients whenever they encounter any business problem.
We are dedicated to providing outstanding quality services. We carry out our work meeting high professional expectations.
We offer flexible services, so we are able to adapt to individual customer needs during all of our engagements. This way it can be ensured that our clients' needs are fully satisfied.
As a result of well-functioning teamwork we can create better solutions by strengthening each other. During our engagements we strive to overcome obstacles by working closely to our clients.